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repairing hvac

New Construction

New Construction projects give home owners opportunities to really get value from their Heating & Air Conditioning dollars.  Unfortunately, most of the time, when a house is built the home owners trust their builder for HVAC Contractor selection.  And a greater than majority of the time, the HVAC contractor is selected primarily on price alone by the builder.  All contractors can take short cuts on new construction, and match the quality that “everyone” else is supplying.  However, a little bit more money can absolutely change the environment inside the house for the life of the house.  Once a cheap ductwork system is installed (very common) there is often very little that can be done to improve it.  Customers have to deal with band-aids to “get by” instead of enjoying a pleasant atmosphere in their home that is clean, healthy, economical, and comfortable.  We have found with customers who have talked with us, that they are happy we gave them all of their options, as after they made their choice, they felt as though they got exactly what was right for them.


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